How to Prepare Your Body for a Healthy Pregnancy

How To Prepare Your Body For A Healthy Pregnancy

Top 10 tips to prepare your body (and your soul) for pregnancy

This post contains affiliate links which means i may earn a small COMMISSION (at no cost to you) from products that you purchase from my link. This doesn’t influence which products i recommend and it never will!

  1. Start taking a prenatal vitamin containing 800mcg of Folate (not folic acid and methylated is preferred for easier absorption.)

Thorne Basic Prenatal Smartypants Organic Prenatal Gummies

2. Add maca to your diet.

This article has more information on using maca root for fertility and hormone health. Maca has been shown to have many positive effects on hormone health and is a great adaptogen to help your body handle stress. Mix with coffee or add to smoothies. Do not take while pregnant and breastfeeding.

3. red raspberry leaf tea

Red raspberry leaf tea is great to prepare your uterus for pregnancy and it contains a lot of beneficial nutrients that are important for pregnancy. I personally had a cup of this tea daily before trying to conceive, while trying to conceive, and in my third trimester of pregnancy (it has a lot of benefits for preparing your uterus for birth as well). (1)

4. heaLthy diet: mainly organic

Now is a great time to get in the habit of eating a clean diet. Mostly plant based food (think whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans) with some high quality animal products and whole grains. Check out my post on reading ingredient labels if this is new to you! Additionally, eating organic foods will help limit toxin exposure (more on that below).

5. drink water

This is the best time to develop good habits! Drinking water is important and a good rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day (more while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Here is my favorite stainless steel water bottle! It has a straw so is easy to drink a lot. I add a couple frozen strawberries and a lemon for flavor.

6. stay active

Getting fit before pregnancy will help you start off healthy!

Sleepiness and nausea is common in the beginning of pregnancy so if you start off healthy and with those good habits, you are more likely to stay at least a little active in the beginning of your pregnancy. For instance, I was active before getting pregnant but was SO exhausted in the very beginning. I replaced my normal workout with a walk until I felt like I wanted to workout again. Then that time is set aside and it is easier to maintain a healthy routine.


  • BPA (in canned food and drinks)

  • Pesticides (eating organic foods when possible0

  • Synthetic fragrances

  • Home cleaning products

  • Personal care products:

    There is a lot of advice against pregnant mamas cleaning their house and a lot of it has to do with the toxin exposure. Many studies have revealed that a lot of toxins accumulate in the umbilical cord, which is literally baby’s life source. The more we can avoid, the better! By switching over to non-toxic products at home, you won’t have to worry about a toddler getting into dangerous chemicals AND you can feel good about your choices—not just for your family’s well being, but the environment’s as well.

8. start limiting alcohol and caffeine intake

During pregnancy, caffeine intake shouldn’t exceed 200mg (or about one 12oz cup of coffee) a day. If you drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol, start slowly weaning yourself off of it BEFORE hand.

9. find an OB or midwife that you feel comfortable with

You can switch doctors at any point in your pregnancy but try to find a doctor that you are comfortable with now if you’re already planning to get pregnant! If you’re planning a more natural or physiologic birth, I would suggest finding a midwife as they are generally trained more for a lower intervention birth where OBs are generally trained more for a higher intervention birth.

10. Meditate, get centered…do what you do to chill out

Learn to find your state of peace so you will have a place to come to when your mind makes you anxious. This will also prepare you for birth. Breathwork, guided meditations, sound baths, etc are great options if this is new to you. Also I highly recommend reading The Power of Now.

Tips for “Trying”

  1. Know when you ovulate!

    Track your cycle via temperature charting, cervical mucus, and even phone apps!

  2. Learn how conception actually works. Here

  3. Keep pregnancy tests and ovulation test strips on hand (not necessary but if you impatient—like me—you will want these on hand!

Don’t get frustrated…easier said than done I understand! When you spend so many years trying to prevent a pregnancy, you think it happens instantly. It doesn’t usually. Know that when it is meant to be, it will happen. Stress doesn’t help anything and it takes the average couple 6 months to conceive so try not to have any expectations and enjoy this time as a couple.

Great resources on fertility and naturally balancing your hormones:

Woman Code: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become A Power Source

Please note: I am not a doctor and no information in this post should be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Always speak to your healthcare provider if you have any health related questions or concerns.

I hope this helps you on your journey and please leave a comment or question below! Follow me on Instagram @yourtruepeace for healthy living tips and all the positive vibes!

With love, Amanda