Natural Remedies for the 7 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Note: This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission from items that you purchase through my link (at no cost to you). Everything I recommend, is honest and the affiliate links have no motivation for me to recommend a product.

hopefully some of these will help you! Always remember that a healthy diet and lifestyle go a LONG way when it comes to having a healthy pregnancy.

Common Symptoms and Remedies


Naps are totally acceptable. This will come and go but usually is more common in the first and third trimester. Give yourself a break and rest if you need to.



-Don’t let yourself get hungry. Eat late before bed and have something before getting out of bed in the morning. I would keep a box of organic applesauce pouches next to my bed and found the carbs helped curb nausea until I could get some real food in me.

-Suck on organic Preggie Pop Drops, or mints.

-Drink ice cold lemon water. Cold lemon flavored Spindrift always seemed to help me because it’s bubbly AND lemony.

-Eat ginger candy, drink ginger tea, or take ginger capsules if you aren’t a fan of the taste. Ginger has been used forever to treat nausea because it’s very effective for most people.

-Try magnesium. A lot of people swear by this magnesium spray from Pink Stork. Not gonna hurt to try! If it doesn’t serve you for nausea, magnesium spray is also very effective for pain so it’s good to have in your natural medicine cabinet.

-Eat several small meals instead of three large ones. When your stomach gets empty, the nausea gets worse. Protein is helpful but may be the last thing you want. Start your meal with whatever sounds appealing and try to end it with some kind of protein.

-Eat popsicles (Read the ingredients and stay away from artificial flavors, colors, or sugar replacements. Goodpop is a great popsicle brand with pure fruit juice.)

-Take Vitamin B6 3-4x a day. Ask your doctor for dosing information but most agree that 25mg 3x a day is safe and effective for most pregnant women. This is what saved me during my second pregnancy! I don’t know why I jumped straight to the B6 and unisom with my first. B6 was a night and day difference. If you can’t stomach the (tiny) pill, try these B6 candies from Pink Stork.

Try not to worry too muchabout getting enough calories for nourishment for your baby in these early weeks. if you or your doctor are concerned, fruit smoothies are a healthier option. Add collagen or another flavorless protein if you can’t stomach much.

If no natural remedies are working and you are so sick you can’t keep anything down, talk to your doctor about other options. They sometimes prescribe zofran but there’s also a newer drug that is a mix of vitamin B6 and Unisom in a slow release pill form that is worth asking about. There have been some questions about Zofran leading to birth defects so I would personally feel more comfortable with the pharmaceutical B6 and Unisom. Some people take this combo over the counter but it’s not in slow release form so may not work as well.


-Diffuse lavender

-Take magnesium

-Epsom salt baths before bed

-Get a pregnancy pillow (the U shaped one is the best so you can easily switch sides and your back is supported.)


Breast Pain

-Ditch the underwire

-Wear a sports bra (or no bra)

-Get some boob soothers! They will come in handy after you have the baby too.


-Take a sip of apple cider vinegar (or sips of kombucha if you can’t stomach the vinegar)

-Pay attention to any food triggers (everyone is different but fried foods, acidic foods, sugar, and dairy are common problems)

-Sleep on a wedge pillow or make one with several pillows so that your chest is above your hips

-Take papaya enzymes, they work like TUMS but without all of the artificial junk.

-Eat small meals and nothing right before bed so your body has some time to digest before you lay down.

Sensitive Nose

Most people aren’t very bothered by this but I’m a hairstylist and struggled with super senses and the smell of products or someone’s bad breath was enough to cause nausea. If this becomes a problem for you, they sell little diffuser necklaces that you can put lemon or peppermint essential oil in to help overpower any unpleasant smells.


-Drink plenty of water

-Eat Fiber (apples, prunes, oats, etc)

-Take Magnesium citrate-ask your doctor about pregnancy dosing

-Get a squatty potty if you don’t have one. This will also lower the chances of hemorrhoid's and make it easier to poop.

Other Random (but normal) Symptoms

Bloody noses, sinus congestion, mild cramping, mild dizziness, mood swings, spotting, vaginal discharge, and frequent urination. Always talk to your doctor about any symptoms.

Abnormal Symptoms: call your doctor immediately

Heavy bleeding, severe dizziness, severe cramping.

I thought that hiking in the third trimester would be a fun idea since its “just walking in the woods.” Haha!

I thought that hiking in the third trimester would be a fun idea since its “just walking in the woods.” Haha!

Note: I am not a doctor and this information is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always contact your OB or midwife if you have any concerns!

Follow me on Instagram @yourtruepeace for healthy living tips and food ideas!

With love, Amanda

Your True Peace .