My natural “medicine” cabinet

I am going to preface this post by saying that I am NOT a doctor and none of this should be taken as medical advice. As always, consult your healthcare practitioner before using any of these products or trying to treat anything naturally. This is simply what I personally use for myself and my family. You know your body better than anyone for when it is time to involve a doctor or hospital!

Note: this page includes some affiliate links which means that i may recieve a small commission from purchases you make using my link. this does not affect what products i recommend and it never will. be aware of your sourcing of supplements, amazon can sometimes be a “third party” seller.


Garlic oil

This mullein garlic oil has been a staple in our home medicine cabinet in case of ear infection. We use this at the first sign of any ear infection or pain. We do 1-2 drops 2-3x a day. I felt safe using this on my baby when he was about 6 months old but always consult your doctor.

*Note: don’t use this if the ear infection is suspected to be caused by water (swimmer’s ear). In that case, I would probably reach for diluted hydrogen peroxide instead. Again, consult your doctor.


Manuka honey

Manuka honey is a phenomenal antibacterial I’ve used internally for things like respiratory viruses and topically as a first aid antibacterial ointment. I am linking “First Honey” which is the one we use for topical purposes.


Colloidal Silver

Silver has antibacterial properties. Colloidal Silver is a great topical antibacterial. It can also be taken internally but there is mixed evidence whether it kills the good bacteria as well so I don’t recommend this as a preventative like some may use it for. Use at any sign of infection though! They even sell it in a nasal spray for any suspected sinus infection. The spray silver is great for young kids who won’t sit still for you to wash a wound, simply spray it on that moving target (baby)!



If you are prone to UTI’s, this is something to keep on hand as well as over the counter test strips. UTI’s can be serious in some individuals so I highly suggest listening to your body and consulting your doctor but when used at the first sign of infection, this is shown to be very effective.


Digest Essential Oil

As many of you know, I have suffered from Crohn’s disease in the past. If this essential oil is strong enough to use for Crohn’s pain, it works! I rub 1-2 drops on my belly for any pain or cramping. Dilute with a carrier oil and be cautious using any essential oils on young children as they may be natural, but they are a potent “medicine.”


Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal works really well at absorbing toxins. Use at the first sign of a stomach virus/food poisoning. This can also be used topically or made into a drawing salve for topical use for ant bites, bee stings, or even splinters.


Papaya Enzymes

Use as you would a normal antiacid (minus the artificial color and flavor) for mild heartburn, acid reflux, etc.


Elderberry Syrup

What would a natural medicine cabinet be without elderberry syrup? For this, I reccomend making your own or buying local so you get the benefits from the local honey. Elderberry syrup is used to boost the immune system. We use it after being exposed to viruses or at the first sign of any illness.



Arnica gel and/or pellets are great to keep on hand for any physical trauma whether it be a bruise or childbirth!


Vitamin D

Regardless of whether you are sick or not, get your vitamin D levels checked. Low vitamin D is connected to a lot of things from autoimmune disease to cancer. Spending time in the sun (without sunscreen!) can raise your levels but not everyone’s body is efficient at synthesizing vitamin D from sun exposure alone. Vitamin D has been shown to improve how the immune system fights off viruses and illnesses. Look at the “Vitamin D Hammer” for some guidance.