Tenzin's Birth Story

So, this will probably end up being a slideshow rather than a beautifully written birth story because I have some amazing photos from my friend Jaimie with Little Bear Birth Photography and because this was a FAST labor and birth! Around 2/2.5 hours!

Sweet baby Tenzin arrived earthside on March 17th after weeks of prodromal labor. That last week of prodromal labor was absolutely a test. A test to my patience, my trust in the natural process of birth, and a test of motherhood. Contractions would come and stay consistent for hours and then just disappear until the next day. They were painful, I was exhausted and questioning everything. I went to the chiropractor, went on long walks with friends, did the Miles Circuit and spinning babies techniques, etc in case baby was in an unfavorable position causing labor to start and stop. Finally, the day I hit 39 weeks, I hardly left the couch all day and that evening real labor actually came on!

I had signed up for a breathwork healing circle in case there was any stuck energy holding me back. In the beginning of the breathwork, we were asked to name our intentions for the session. Immediately after naming my intention to release anything that was hindering my body’s ability to birth this baby, contractions came on again. I didn’t bother tracking them because I had just assumed this was prodromal labor AGAIN. So I ignored them until I started to realize they were practically nonstop. This was only a few minutes, I didn’t even get to start the breathwork itself!

We decided to go to the birth center to get checked out and see if it was actually labor. I didn’t even bring my big water bottle because I was sure we would be home again soon! I was planning on declining all cervical checks but after the past few weeks, I consented to a check to see what was going on. I was 6-7cm! Within about 10 minutes, contractions became almost nonstop and I asked to get in the water because the yoga ball wasn’t helping much anymore.

They say not to compare births but it’s hard not to! With my last birth, the water took the pain from a 9 down to a 6. This time… not so much! I will forever be grateful for the best birth partner, my husband AJ, who applied counter pressure through every contraction while I labored in the tub. He did amazing!

I started to feel pushy. I told the doula but was confused because it hadn’t been long at all, there was no way my cervix was fully dilated enough to begin pushing. Well, through the next contraction, my body took over. She heard the pushiness in my voice and ran to get the midwife and the birth assistants from the other room. I instinctively moved my hand to feel for baby’s head.

I wasn’t ready but my body was pushing baby out. I desperately wanted a break in between contractions to re-center and get back to my breath but my body and baby had other plans! Within 2-3minutes, my body would push out the baby in one loooong but POWERFUL contraction! My water broke as he came out!

I wanted to catch my own baby and was able to do just that! I gently guided him into the water as his body emerged out of mine and into his own.

I think I was in shock. Thinking holy shit that just happened because it happened SO QUICK! This face of shock, exhaustion, and gratitude. For comparison, Arden’s birth involved a 2.5 hour pushing phase with lots of time to get into the peaceful hypnobirthing state. This was so different but so powerful.

Ahhhh… finally opened my eyes to witness this beautiful baby. All worth it!

Look at all of that vernix! Vernix is such a cool thing, it has anti microbial properties, helps lubricate baby to get through the birth canal, helps regulate baby’s temperature, and moisturizes their skin making the transition from water to air gentler.

The placenta was taking a long time to come out so we made our way over to the bed. Tenzin’s instints kicked in and he found the breast and latched.

The placenta took a VERY long time to come out. I handed the baby to AJ for some skin to skin while I kneeled to allow gravity to help out. My midwife was so patient and I am so grateful for that! She kept an eye on my bleeding but honored my request to wait to check for tears until I was ready. Even after such a quick birth, I didn’t need stitches because my perineum was able to stretch open. I believe the water helps this as well but there isn’t much scientific literature on that yet!

The cord had stopped pulsing awhile ago but I wanted to keep everything attached at least until we were ready to head home. The womb is such an incredible design and I have always wanted to see everything connected.

So beautiful. We took the placenta home and planted it into a peach tree in our backyard on Mother’s Day!

Arden arrived to meet his little brother!

The following morning, Arden quietly tip toed into his room where I slept with the baby and once we woke up, he wanted to hold the baby. Such a sweet moment and he did that every morning for the next few weeks!

I am so grateful that I was able to experience another birth surrounded by the support of women who truly trust this process as well as my husband who I think will be forever changed after witnessing both births. The man who was uncomfortable with an out of hospital birth, hiring a doula, etc and after each birth was in love with how everything happened.